An Tir West War 2024

Event Dates: 07/02/2024 to 07/07/2024

Registration open from 05/01/2024 to 07/20/2024

Event Fees for 2024

Adult (age 18+)$70$75
With SCA Membership Discount$60$65
Youth (17 and under)freefree

Site Opens for the General Populace at 12:00PM (Noon) on July 2nd and closes at 3:00PM July 7th.

Registration at Gate is permitted.

Land Reservation Information for Registered Groups

Group land allotment will primarily be tied to attendee pre-registration numbers. Each encampment will need a 'Camp Master' to pre-register first and supply a camp name. All other camp members will then select their camp name from the name drop down during registration. If you intend to simply find space in Open Camping, select "Open Camping" during registration.

Following feedback from last year, we have increased land allotment per person to the following.

Individual adult Pre-Registrations received by May 31st receive 350 sq. ft. ea.
Individual adult Pre-Registrations received after June 1st receive 300 sq. ft. ea.
Individual youth Pre-Registrations will add an additional 150 sq. ft. ea.

If you have a specific need for more land then what your groups allotment works out to be, or have any other land related questions, contact the Land Steward at and we will do our best to accommodate you. As we all know, useable land shifts a bit year to year so do not expect a near final layout until the middle of June, after the site has been walked and assessed by event staff.

If you need any accommodation's or request, please include them in the Additional Comments section of you registration

RV Reservations Information

Please include the width and depth needed to accommodate your RV in the comments section of your registration

We will attempt to accommodate RV's that would like to be near each other. Additionally, some RV slots may also have some space for an extra tent. If you would like to camp with another RV or request additional space, please include the details in the comments section of your registration.

Merchant Registration

Merchants should use this registration to register themselves personally for the event. Perspective merchants still need to complete the Merchant Application Form to apply to merchant at An Tir West War. Merchant Fees are $40 + $1 per frontage foot of space in the Town Square. Please include the name of your booth in the comments section of your personal registration. Personal and booth PayPal invoices will be combined into one. Select Merchant Camping if you are camping in your booth or camping in the general merchant camping area. If you have any questions please contact the merchant coordinator at

For the most up to date information, please visit us at or on Facebook at